Monday 29 June, 2020

Use Plastic Bins to Harvest In Your Garden

Do you enjoy growing fruits and vegetables in your own garden? When it comes to figuring out how to harvest vegetables from a garden, there are a lot of considerations when it comes to timing, but you also need to think about supplies. And one thing you need to figure out is what kind of […]

Do you enjoy growing fruits and vegetables in your own garden? When it comes to figuring out how to harvest vegetables from a garden, there are a lot of considerations when it comes to timing, but you also need to think about supplies. And one thing you need to figure out is what kind of container to use to transport your harvested fruits and veggies from your garden to your house so you can clean and store them.

While you may find a number of specialized containers for this purpose, the optimal solution is just to go with plastic bins for vegetable gardens. It may not be fancy, but a solution like this has a number of different benefits:

Plastic containers for gardening are cheap. You will not have to spend a lot of money on them, and that is a good thing. Hauling them around a lot each year, they will be subjected to plenty of wear and tear. And while they will probably hold up great for years, you may eventually need to replace them. If one does crack or become deformed over time, you will not pay a ton of money to get a new bin.

• You can easily clean the container when you’re done. When you harvest your fruits and vegetables and toss them in your bin, they will be covered with dirt, bugs, grass, leaves, and so on. You can easily rinse out your plastic container afterward and remove all this residue. Other types of containers might be harder to clean. A wood crate for example is something you want to avoid getting wet, because then you have to worry about rot. But you can get a plastic bin wet without consequence.

• Plastic containers are lightweight. Hauling heavy produce is enough hard work without needing to break your back with the additional weight of a heavy container. Plastic will add very little to the weight you are carrying. Some plastic containers also include handles. You also can purchase both large and small bins as needed.

• You can repurpose the plastic gardening bin for something else when you are done. After you are finished harvesting your fruits and vegetables, you may very well find that your plastic container can serve double-duty elsewhere in your yard or shed. Use it to hold gardening tools, turn it into a temporary greenhouse, or use it as a temporary planter for another crop which is in season. There are a ton of different possibilities. Be sure to check through my other blog posts to find out all about the myriad uses for plastic bins around the garden.

Now you know a cheap, effective, simple solution when it comes time to harvest your fruits and vegetables and bring them indoors. Plastic bins are inexpensive, lightweight, easy to clean, and easy to repurpose. They will make your entire harvest into a walk in the park, and you will find them useful throughout the year!

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