Archive for July, 2022
7 Signs You Need to Get Organized, Part 1
“My house is cluttered. Help!” Is that the sort of thought that goes through your mind when you look around at the messes piling up in your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room? Or do you think to yourself, “Well, maybe it could be worse. Is it really that bad? Surely I can put this […]
Benefits of an Organized Dorm Room
If you will be heading to college soon, you probably already have read articles on how to organize a dorm room closet, or ways to save space in a dorm room. But why are dorm room organization hacks so important? What are some of the benefits of a highly organized dorm room? 1. You won’t […]
How to Choose a Professional Organizer, Part 2
If you will be hiring a professional home organizer, you will need to shop around to make sure that you are picking the best person for your needs. In How to Choose a Professional Organizer, Part 1, I went over the following suggestions: 1. First, understand what you hope to accomplish by hiring a professional […]
How to Choose a Professional Organizer, Part 1
Thinking about hiring a home organizer, or someone to help you get your workspace organized? If so, you will probably be spending several hundred dollars, and you will be making major changes to how you live or work. That means that you are going to want to do some serious research to make sure you […]