Monday 13 July, 2015

Summer Challenge: Clean Out Your Closet

Did you finish all your spring cleaning projects for the year? Congratulations if you can respond to that question with a resounding “Yes!” If not, try not to get too stressed out about it. You aren’t the only one. The truth is, most of us struggle to complete our organizational tasks. And odds are you […]

Did you finish all your spring cleaning projects for the year? Congratulations if you can respond to that question with a resounding “Yes!” If not, try not to get too stressed out about it. You aren’t the only one. The truth is, most of us struggle to complete our organizational tasks. And odds are you still have plenty of organizing you could do this summer. One great spot to tackle is your closet. It is time to get your warm winter wear out of there and put it in storage until you need it again, and enjoy your summer clothes. Here are a few quick steps you can take to turn that mess in your closet around!

1. Get everything out of the closet.
First, pull everything out of your closet. This is one of the simplest and best clean your closet tips. It can be very tempting to pull out the first layer of items you don’t need, but you already know that leaves unplumbed depths and mysterious, hidden corners. The longer you leave these areas untouched, the more debris they will accumulate, and the harder the job will be. Get it over with, like ripping off a band-aid!

2. Clean out the closet and measure your space.
Wipe down all your shelves, vacuum the closet floor, and then grab a tape measure and actually find out how much space is in your closet. You may even want to remove some of the shelves and clothing bars. Why? If you want to organize your closet on a budget, you may find that you can better utilize the available space using some other arrangement.

3. Take inventory of what you have.
Have a look at all that stuff you just pulled out of your closet. Figure out what you don’t need in there at all. Thrift items you are never going to use, and put seasonal items in storage (large plastic storage boxes are great for this). Figure out which items are left over, and set about organizing those.

4. Buy organizational supplies for your closet.
Now it is time to get some more efficient storage solutions in there. Plastic bins with drawers and plastic bins with lids are excellent choices for items like socks and stockings. You may also want to look into items built specifically for closets, like shoe organizers that you can hang on the inside of your closet door.

Closets often become the most disorganized spaces in our homes, for the simple reason that we can close the door on them and not have to see the mess. One more tip to stay organized after you get everything in order is to try leaving your closet doors open for a few weeks. If you do that, you will have to actually look inside. That should prevent you from resuming your clutter-forming habits. Once you have a better organizational routine down, you can close the closet doors again and enjoy a new, more organized wardrobe!

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