Monday 08 April, 2024

4 Steps to Organize Your Old Magazines

When you first decide to get a magazine subscription, it’s always a lot of fun. Suddenly you have tons of exciting stuff to read, more of it than you may even be able to get through. After a few months, you have a small pile of magazines, some which you may have read, others which […]

Monday 01 April, 2024

4 Steps to Organize Your Desk

There are few physical spaces in your life which are more central to who you are and what you need to accomplish each day than your desk. When your workplace is cluttered, you may find your thoughts are also cluttered, and you may not be very productive. When you have a clean, well-organized workspace, you […]

Monday 25 March, 2024

4 Organized Pantry Tips

Do you lament the disorganization in your kitchen? A lot of us complain about how long it takes to prepare our food, but oftentimes we are making it harder on ourselves by allowing our kitchens to remain so cluttered. Taking a couple of hours to organize your pantry closet can save you time every day […]

Monday 18 March, 2024

4 Easy Ideas to Declutter Fast with Plastic Bins

When you decide to declutter your home, you may feel daunted at the start by just how many decluttering tasks are ahead of you. There are a lot of small chores you can do though to jumpstart the process and start to declutter your home fast. Plastic bins for organizing are some of the most […]

Monday 11 March, 2024

How to Organize Fabric Scraps

Is your crafting room a mess of fabric scraps right now? If so, it may be time to get those scraps organized so you can get back to enjoying a tidy crafting zone. Let’s talk about how to organize quilt fabric scraps and other types of fabric scraps. 1. First, get rid of sizes you […]

Monday 04 March, 2024

4 Clever Uses for Plastic Lids

A lot of plastic storage containers come with lids, but what do you do with those lids if you have no need to seal your plastic storage bins? Sometimes bins are more useful without their lids, especially small plastic bins in the kitchen or the bedroom or bathroom. When you need to be able to […]

Monday 26 February, 2024

3 Ways to Reward Yourself for Getting Organized

On the surface, getting organized is easy. You can keep costs low by purchasing cheap organization supplies like plastic containers with lids, which are extremely versatile. Organizing itself is more or less a three-step process: Get rid of stuff you no longer need, clean, and put everything back in a more logical fashion. But what […]

Monday 19 February, 2024

3 Ways to Jazz Up Your Plastic Bins

Maybe you bought your plastic storage bins for utilitarian storage in your attic or basement where you will never see them, but maybe not. Maybe they are going in your dorm room or even your living room or bedroom, and lots of people (most importantly you!) are going to be seeing them. Plastic bins offer […]

Monday 12 February, 2024

Re-Evaluating the Question, “What Would I Replace”

Recently I read the suggestion that while decluttering, one should ask oneself the question, “Suppose I lost this possession tomorrow in a fire along with everything else that I own. Would I replace it, or not?” The thinking here is simple enough. If you would answer, “Yes, I would replace this item,” it has measurable […]

Monday 05 February, 2024

Why Declutter and Organize When You Are Stressed? Part 2

Have you ever known people who declutter to relieve stress, or do you sometimes do it yourself without really knowing why it works? Decluttering and organizing to reduce stress are popular activities to cope with emotional difficulties, and in this two-part series, I propose some explanations for why they are so effective. In Part 1, […]

Monday 29 January, 2024

Tiny House Organizing Tips Anyone Can Live By

Don’t live in a tiny house, but wish you could enjoy the tiny house lifestyle? Whether you live in a tiny house or a big one, tiny house organization tips can help you to save space in your home, live life with less clutter, and enjoy a simpler, less stressful existence. Let’s check out a […]

Monday 22 January, 2024

What is the KonMari Method of Decluttering?

If you have been searching for easy decluttering methods and techniques you can use to downsize the possessions crowding up your home, you will want to look into the KonMari method. This effective decluttering technique is a little different from most in that it is not so much “rule-based.” It is more subjective in nature, […]

Monday 15 January, 2024

Why Declutter and Organize When You Are Stressed? Part 1

Before I got into decluttering and organizing, I remember I had a roommate whose moods you could read just by observing what she did to busy herself around our apartment. Anytime I came home and found her knee-deep in decluttering or organizing, I knew she was having a bad day, and that I should either […]

Monday 08 January, 2024

What Really Happens to the Stuff You Send to Thrift?

I always strongly urge that when you are decluttering your home, you take your unwanted items to the thrift store rather than simply throwing them in the trash. I still advise this, because it is important not to be part of the problem of needless waste. But as it turns out, many thrift stores are […]

Monday 01 January, 2024

Signs That You Are a Hoarder

“Am I a hoarder or just messy?” “Am I a hoarder or just lazy?” If you are asking yourself these types of questions, you may be genuinely worried that you have a psychological disorder. It is important to recognize that a disorder such as hoarding exists along a spectrum. Most people have some degree of […]