Monday 10 June, 2019

Summer Retail Display Theme Ideas, Part 2

Trying to figure out how to draw crowds into your retail store this summer? It all starts with a few great summer retail window display ideas. If you can come up with creative store windows for summer, you can generate buzz, curiosity, and excitement around your shop. This creates pedestrian congestion and ultimately leads to […]

Trying to figure out how to draw crowds into your retail store this summer? It all starts with a few great summer retail window display ideas. If you can come up with creative store windows for summer, you can generate buzz, curiosity, and excitement around your shop. This creates pedestrian congestion and ultimately leads to sales.

In Part 1, I shared a few exciting ideas for cool window displays for stores this summer:

• Bright colors
• Out by the pool (or beach)
• 4th of July
• Lawn and garden

Be sure to go back and read if you haven’t already. All caught up? Good. Now I want to share a few more ideas with you!

• Bicycles. While traditional retail window display fixtures are always a trusted mainstay, you can achieve a wonderful effect by looking into creative alternatives. Bicycles are a huge trend this year. They are immediately evocative of summer fun, and they can really spruce up a display! You can showcase merchandise on the seats and in the baskets. You can use any types of bicycle for your display, but the best choice is always a vintage bike if you can find one. These capture a sense of old-fashioned nostalgia.

• Hammocks. Another idea for a unique retail display fixtures is a hammock. There are a couple of different ways you can incorporate this inspiration. Have a mannequin reclining in one while reading a book and showing off some of your best summer attire. Or you could skip the mannequin idea altogether and simply fill the hammock with other merchandise you have for sale (summer toys, etc). The best types of hammocks to use for this are the ones made of netting. These allow you to see inside from any angle, so even if people are looking up at your window from the street, they will see what you have for sale.

• Tell a story. Telling some kind of narrative through your window is always an excellent way to grab attention and inspire potential customers! Set up a scene with your mannequins are posed to tell a story. It could be a story about a summer barbecue or a day at the beach. You will fire your buyers’ imagination and make them start imagining how they could use your merchandise to create their own summer stories.

• Summer signage. Another way to remind customers that it is time for summer sales is simply to tell them outright! Invest in some vinyl window lettering. Say something clever or fun about the season and choose a typeface which fits with your message.

These are just a few ideas for summer retail display windows. Hopefully while reading through this list, you have come up with more creative ideas of your own. Your goal with window displays is always to inspire your customers. You want to invoke flights of summer fancy which lead buyers down your aisles in pursuit of products they can use to actualize those possibilities.

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