Monday 19 January, 2015

5 Home Organization Tips

Trying to reduce the endless clutter that seems to brim from every room of your house? At a loss for where and how to start? Here are 5 home organization tips and ideas. Using these strategies, you can start to get that clutter under control, even if it’s going to be a long, slow job […]

Trying to reduce the endless clutter that seems to brim from every room of your house? At a loss for where and how to start? Here are 5 home organization tips and ideas. Using these strategies, you can start to get that clutter under control, even if it’s going to be a long, slow job to get it all organized. The only way to get started is to get started!

1. Have containers of some sort for everything you own.
One of the reasons that things get cluttered is that many people allow their possessions to lay about anywhere. If you have a container for everything, though, and you use those containers, nothing will ever be left just lying about. Think about having a home within a home for everything you possess. If you don’t have containers for everything, consider purchasing clear plastic bins. They are cheap and great for organizing just about anything.

2. Have a convenient waste bin in each room of your house.
Do you tend to let papers you don’t need pile up? Is it because the nearest wastebasket is across the house? One of the most helpful things you can do to start getting organized is to install plastic waste bins in every room. That way it’s convenient to throw things away you don’t need!

3. Use plastic storage containers to convince children to participate.
It is tough to stay organized if you have kids who constantly move things around without regard to where they put things. One great way to convince kids to participate in a home organization scheme is to assign plastic bins for their things (for example in the mudroom). Children may participate in this scheme if the bin is labeled, and perhaps their favorite color. Kids do like a feeling that something belongs to them, and they will often take responsibility if they believe that the plastic bins you assign are their private domain.

4. Put a small basket on the coffee table for your remote controls.
Remote controls are frequently misplaced items in home entertainment rooms. If you put a basket for the remote controls on the coffee table, you encourage others in your household to put the remotes back on the table where they found them. This prevents them from leaving them on the couch, where they may fall between the cushions.

5. Have a handy plastic bin set aside for charity donations.
This is one of the best home organization tips for small spaces; any time you come across something in your home which you know you don’t need, just immediately move it to the donation box. When the box is full, take it to the thrift shop and empty it out in the donation area.

These tips and tricks are all easy to implement, even if your house is a mess right now. They will help you get a start on some simple changes that can lead to major improvements. A clean, organized home helps you to feel more focused and relaxed in your own space, and simplifies your life.

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