Monday 09 March, 2015

Organize Your Exercise Room

Do you have a room in your house designated the home gym, or maybe a corner of a room where you work out? When your exercise area is combined with your sitting room or another part of your house, it is even easier for it to become disorganized. It is easy to get your exercise […]

Do you have a room in your house designated the home gym, or maybe a corner of a room where you work out? When your exercise area is combined with your sitting room or another part of your house, it is even easier for it to become disorganized. It is easy to get your exercise room sorted out though with the addition of just a few plastic bins. Plastic bins can keep your supplies together so you can find them when you need them. When you are working out, you want to spend your time getting into shape, not searching for your equipment!

Consider purchasing a set of large plastic bins. Using clear plastic bins makes it easy to see inside and find what you need on the fly. Since you do not necessarily want to take breaks while you are working out, this is helpful. You can burn more calories if you are able to keep going. You can designate one plastic bin for fresh towels (and another for dirty towels for the laundry, if you like). If you own a set of free weights or even several, you can put those in another large storage container. If you do any other exercises that require specialized supplies, you can set aside a different container for each one. For example, all yoga supplies can go inside of another sealed plastic storage bin.

Enjoy workout DVDs? Consider setting aside another plastic container for all your workout DVDs. And if you have a lot of DVDs, you could even purchase several medium-size bins instead of one big one. All your instructional DVDs could go in one box, while your scenic videos for your elliptical could go in another, and so on. You might even break it down according to different types of workouts. All your yoga DVDs could go in your yoga supply box. All your weight training DVDs could be stored with your free weights.

The home gym is also not a bad place to put outdoor sports equipment, unless you have room for it in your mudroom or garage. You can set up more plastic bins for balls, bats, gloves, and the like. If you have kids, they can have their own exercise-related bins. You might even store specialized shoes in your workout room like crosstrainers, which you use only for exercise, whether indoor or outdoor.

A well-organized home gym is a very pleasant place to work out, and you may find it easier to stay focused when you are working out in a focused, clean environment without clutter or distractions. Taking the time to set up an organizational scheme can also prevent you from losing exercise DVDs in your general collection, and from misplacing yoga mats, free weights, and other supplies when you need them most. The less time you spend trying to keep things tidy, the more time you can spend working out in your home gym. This system makes it easy to stay organized and in the zone!

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